Friday 12 April 2013

The Skin We Live In

On this beautiful Friday, I have come across an article on 3ders that further proves the amazing reach of 3D printing technology. Printed skin cells! Just another example of fine German engineering, Lothar Koch and his team at Laser Zentrum Hannover used a laser 3D printer to produce skin cells. Could this replace anti-aging products? You never know. But more importantly, this could be an incredible invention for burn victims and people suffering from skin diseases. 

My grandpa had a good friend from his chemical research lab who suffered severe burns on her face and hands during a lab explosion. She was an incredible person and founded an educational summer camp which I attended during my summers in Beijing. She loved children and was passionate about science. But she never married nor did she have any children of her own. Kids were scared of her due to her appearance so she never came in close contact with us. Imagine the impact skin cell printing technology would have made on her life. With this new capability, we would not have to rely on skin transplants or grafts from other parts of the body.

How do you think this will affect our lives?

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